Sunday, July 24

I Can Read

One of the neatest outcomes of Ryan's patching time is that he's learned to read. We have had to spend two hours a day doing close-up work, which for a three-year-old means I need to sit with him quite a bit of the time. I decided to put the time to good use, so I checked out a book from the library and started teaching him to read. He's known his alphabet since he was 20 months old, and he's known the phonetic sounds of the alphabet since before he turned two. But I haven't really worked with him beyond that.

He's been asking about words lately and wanting to put the sounds together, but nothing I was doing was clicking with him. We began "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons" at the beginning of June, and he is already on lesson 70 and actually reading! I am amazed at how quickly he picked it up, and it's been such a joy to teach him to read. The experience has really renewed my resolve to homeschool our children, which had started to waver as the time to begin has gotten closer.

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