Sunday, September 11

Hillsboro Airshow

Granpa and kids in a military armored vehicle

We went to the Hillsboro Airshow today, and the weather was perfect! Last year we cooked in heat over 100 degrees, but this year it was a mild 75 or so. Last year the stars of the event were the Blue Angels, and this year it was the Thunderbirds. The kids got a huge kick out of it last year and had been really excited to go this year.

Unfortunately, either they got their fill watching them practice the last few days (they fly right over our house) or we just had to wait too long for the main event because both of them were kind of ho-hum about it once we got there today. Still it was a fun day, and it was nice to have Granpa with us this year. Ryan was more interested in the military vehicles than he was the airplanes it seems.

Ryan in a portable air traffic control tower that's on the back of a Humvee.

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