Sunday, January 1

Haircut & Backhoes

Daddy took Ryan with him to get his haircut yesterday, and he was able to convince Ryan to get his hair cut too! This is only the second time he's had his hair cut by a "professional." Usually I do it, but he's afraid of the clippers (surprise, surprise) and has a hard time sitting still for slow-poke Mommy. It's a relief to hand that job off to someone else once in a while.

This is the excavator Ryan got in trade for the dump truck.
He can't wait till we move so he can get it out in the dirt!


Darcy said...

My goodness he's looking like a big boy! Hard to believe he'll be 4 years old next month!!!!!

Kim said...

It is so hard to believe! When did that happen? He is so grown up sometimes that I just can't believe it.