Monday, May 15

Little Gentleman

My family took me to tea for Mother's Day at The Windsor House of Tea in Astoria. We stayed all dressed up from church and drove to the coast. Ryan looked like such a little gentleman, and for the most part he behaved like one too during our luncheon. The tea house has a special children's tea, and Ryan thought it was the neatest thing that they cut the crust off of his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (and cheese sandwiches too)! Now he wants to go to tea all the crusts! He also enjoyed his hot chocolate, though it was about 80 plus degrees outside.

After tea we walked along the boardwalk and browsed the local outdoor Sunday Market. We watched the ships come and go from the ocean to the Columbia River, and saw the trolley taking people up and down the boardwalk. It was a beautiful day, with just the right amount of breeze to cool us off.


Darcy said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day! I wish we had Tea Houses near us. All the ones I know of are in Orange County. Have to fight the traffic to get there and that's no fun.

Kim said...

It's actually about an hour and a half away, but there wasn't too much traffic thankfully.