Saturday, April 12

LaCrosse Game

Daddy won tickets to see Portland's professional LaCrosse team the Lumberjax Friday night. We have been wanting to go, but now we had a great reason to do was free! We picked up Daddy from work and then went out to dinner at Red Robin since we had a free coupon due to Abby's birthday. Then we parked on the street and took the light rail to the Rose Garden Arena.

Both kids were really excited, but Ryan particularly so. We had to read the rules in the program since we had no idea how the game is played, but it was a fast-paced game and we had a good time. I think Ryan's favorite part is yelling!

The music was incredibly loud, the people behind us terribly profane (although a bit better after we asked them to cut out the foul language) and Lumberjax ended up losing, but we still enjoyed our evening and may try to go again sometime.

Jaxon, the mascot.

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