Wednesday, January 18

Surgery Details

After playing for a while in the play room, the nurse called us back to his bed and gave him some meds. The nurse was impressed with how willingly he took his meds. They gave him some Tylenol and some Versed. The Versed took about a minute and a half to start working, and he was pretty loopy! It's supposed to relax the patient, but it relaxed me too.

About ten minutes later they walked all of us down to the operating floor. Poor Ryan was trying to tell us something, but all I could understand was "go back." I knew he was a little scared but the Versed seemed to be helping him. We were allowed to wait with him in the pre-op room, and we talked to the nurses and the anesthesiologist who would be attending Ryan. Next, Dr. Goodman, our surgeon, came in and talked to us for a while.

Then the dreaded moment was upon us. I was worried about how he would respond when they took him from us, but he was so out of it, he didn't notice a thing! We waited for almost two hours, and then the doctor came and said everything went great. What a relief that it was over and my baby was all right!

We only had to wait another fifteen minutes or so before they came and got one of us to go back into the post-op room with Ryan. Ed was gracious enough to let this worried Mommy go, though I know he wanted to go too.

Ryan was still out when I got back there, and they had just given him something for nausea. I guess because he was sweating profusely they knew he was nauseous. The nurse told me that for some reason, the eye muscle surgery patients always seem to get very nauseous. I talked to him and stroked his head and arms. He stirred a little, but not too much. When he finally roused somewhat, the first thing he said was "Where's Daddy?" I was going to go swap out with Ed, but they said it was time to take him back upstairs to his room and we'd pick up Daddy on the way.

So back we went to the recovery room for another hour or so. All the other children in our room were awake and eating popsicles and drinking soda. They don't give the eye muscle surgery patients anything since they are usually so nauseous. I felt bad for Ryan, but he didn't seem to notice. We had removed his eye patch, and he could have looked around if he wanted to, but it was just too painful to open his eyes. He laid there quietly with his eyes closed for over an hour. Finally, we determined he wasn't sleeping, only keeping his eyes closed and resting. So they got his vitals again, and then said we could take him home. We got him dressed, gathered his things, and home we went, approximately six hours after we arrived.

I guess Ryan's flu bug was a blessing in disguise because on the way home he told us he thought we was going to throw up, so we had time to pull over and get him out of the van before he actually vomitted. If he hadn't been sick just the week before, I know he wouldn't have known what that feeling was. That was the only incident he had, and he rested his eyes the rest of the way home. What a relief to be home and to have the surgery behind us.

I'm so grateful to God for watching over Ryan. He is so faithful! I am grateful too for all the prayers that have been prayed on Ryan's and all of our behalf! We had as much peace as I imagine one can have during something like this. Thank you, Lord, family, and friends!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Great news that everything went so well! Ryan has been in my prayers and will continue to be...and you as well, mama...the mommies feel it more than the kids, I think! Thank you, Jesus, for a good report!