Thursday, August 24

Surgery Date

We have been patching Ryan's eyes (first one, then the other) for the last two weeks to see if he still skips lines while reading. Unfortunately, we discovered that he doesn't which means that when he's using both eyes he's not transitioning well between eyes when he moves them across the page to the beginning of the next line. The surgeon believes that the surgery will help this transitioning and give him better vision. So we are going to go ahead and have the surgery done, especially since we have been able to coordinate the stenosis surgery and this one to be done simultaneously. It is scheduled for October 18 when Gramie will be here.

Our library had their last big summer reading day on Monday, and Ryan for the first time agreed to get his face painted. Mommy ended up having to finish the second half because he got scared or shy or something, but, hey, at least he tried this year! This picture shows slightly how one eye is a bit higher than the other, though I never notice it except in pictures. He's never standing still long enough to see anything most of the time!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Bummer about needing the surgery. But wonderful you were able to coordinate the surgeon's schedules and he'll only need to be put under once.