Saturday, March 24

Weather Report

Granpa Fraser gave Ryan a weather station for his birthday, and Ryan has been learning about temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. He thought it was fun going over the Siskiyou Mountains on our way back from Modesto watching the barometer fall so low it went off the meter.

The first thing Wednesday morning as we were getting ready, Ryan came in to us and before even saying good morning, announced

"I looked at the barometer this morning, and it's going to be a sunny day."

He was right. It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day! Sadly, today it is very rainy, so I made a tent out of our kitchen table, and they are playing camping (my rainy day ideas are totally spent!).

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Hey, I think a tent under the kitchen table is a great rainy day activity!

Cool weather station! We have ourselves a little weatherman in the family. LOL.