Sunday, July 22

Lions, Butterflies, and Bears

My family watching the sea lions eat.

We went to the zoo a few weeks ago to see the butterfly exhibit, among other things. The first animals you come to once you're inside the zoo are the sea lions, so we see them almost every time we come. On this trip we actually got to watch them feed them, which we've never seen before. Usually there's so many people gathered around it's impossible to see, but we just happened to be right at the front while they dished out the herring and other goodies to the hungry sea lions.

We got to see something else we'd never seen before or even knew they did at our zoo, and that was watch an elephant paint a picture on canvas. Interesting! On our way out we finally got the picture Ryan has been dying for me to take, he and Abby under the bears! Normally there are so many people waiting for a picture and then you only can get one bear and then there's too many people in the way, but this time we almost had it to ourselves and Ryan was so happy.

1 comment:

Darcy said... the bear picture!