Sunday, November 11

Eye Surgeon Follow-up

Ryan had a follow-up with his eye surgeon on Friday. They dilated his eyes with drops (she is a master at getting drops into a screaming child!) and did a full exam.

She was very pleased with the results of the surgery! His eye is perfectly straight when he has his glasses on, which is more than we expected. She also said if his farsightedness levels out around middle school, which most kids' eyes do, he may not even need glasses! She did adjust his glasses prescription a bit, but other than that, we don't need to go back again for six months.

This is the assistant, not the surgeon. I keep neglecting to get a picture of Ryan with his surgeon.

Other than the drops, he was very cooperative and even sat in the chair by himself. In the past he has always wanted to sit on Daddy's lap. Daddy wasn't with us this time, so maybe he didn't want to sit on my lap, but I think he is just growing up and getting braver.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

That is great news!!!!

Love the last pic of him with the beautiful tree in the background.