Wednesday, February 6

He's Six

11 days old.

Several years ago not long after we adopted Abby, we were eating at the Olive Garden and I noticed a family with two tweenage kids eyeing us periodically. They were smiling at Ryan and Abby and seeming to enjoy watching our babies. As they were leaving the mom looked at me and quietly said, "Blink and they will be this age" indicating her two children. She was smiling but I could see tears brimming in her eyes. I'm not sure why, but that one comment has remained with me. I can still see her face.

Showing his new watch and Lego kit he got today.

Today I feel like I have blinked. Ryan is six. Those years are gone and can't be retrieved, only reminisced over while turning a scrapbook page or clicking through our thousands of digital pictures. There are other memories too, ones only captured by a Mommy's heart. I treasure those mental snapshots and look forward to the new ones yet to be made. To us he is our miracle, and I love being his Mommy.

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

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