Wednesday, August 10

Joy to My Heart!

We like to listen to music while we're driving, and both Ryan and Abby LOVE this Fisher Price CD we have that has a song for every letter of the alphabet sung by the "Little People." Mommy gets quite tired of it though, and a month or so ago I insisted we listen to something that I wanted to listen to. I put on a Keith Green CD. When we got to the song "Create in Me a Clean Heart," I told them to listen to this "great" song. It's the words to Psalm 51, and it's a favorite of mine.

A couple weeks ago Ryan began asking me to put the Keith Green CD in saying he wanted to listen to that "great" song. I thought that was cute, and I complied. Then yesterday we were at the library, and I heard him sweetly singing something. I leaned over to remind him to be quiet in the library when I realized he was singing that song and he knew all the words! It gave my "Mommy heart" so much joy to hear my little boy singing scripture and really enjoying it!


Anonymous said...

That is SO precious

Darcy said...

Ah, how sweet is that??? I love that song!!!

Kim said...

We got it on video tonight. I wish I could add it to the blog. Maybe I'll try to add it to the MyFamily site.