Friday, August 19

No Surgery Date Yet

Ryan had another visit with his opthalmologist this morning. We were expecting to get a date for his surgery, but she ended up putting it off again. On examination today his eyes were crossing significantly less at distance than they were last visit (though crossing at close up was unchanged and is fairly dramatic). She wants us to come back in two weeks to make sure it wasn't a fluke. If his crossing at distance is still improved then she wants to try bifocals on him. Oh joy! If it was a fluke, then she will schedule surgery at that time.

The doctor said that perhaps as his vision has improved (it's almost 20/20 now) he has learned how to compensate somewhat, so maybe bifocals will correct his distance crossing. I am happy that there's the potential to avoid surgery, but it is still highly probable he will end up needing surgery anyway, so the waiting continues.


Darcy said...

Seems like we're both on the road of learning to have patience while waiting. :::Sigh::: The encouragement I can offer comes from an anonymous poster on Rachel's blog..."In HIS perfect timing" a date will be given, or not given in Ryan's situation. Glad to hear he's doing so well!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping that he won't need the surgery!