Friday, June 23

Farewell to Zoo Trips

As far as Ryan is concerned, the zoo is all about the sandbox and the jungle jeep, so he's not terribly heart-broken that our annual pass expires at the end of this month. Still, he had a good time yesterday as we did our final zoo tour. I asked each one which animal they wanted to be sure to see. Ryan said the meerkats. Sadly, they were the only animals that day who decided to hide, so we didn't get to say goodbye to them.

But to Ryan's delight, we didn't miss playing on the jungle jeep. Fortunately for him, there were no other kids around wanting to play on it too, so they played for about 20 minutes uninterrupted! I don't know why exactly, but he loves this jeep.

The stork was very visible today, and we got a good look at him. Who in the world had the bright idea to say that this ugly creature delivered babies?! It's got to be one of the ugliest birds I've ever seen.

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