Tuesday, June 20

New Chores

Ryan has a few chores he does every day. He must get dressed, hang up jammies, make his bed and clean his room before breakfast (usually it's clean when he goes to bed, so there's not much to do really). He also used to put away the clean silverware, but not long after we moved to our new house we passed the silverware chore to Abby and Ryan began sweeping the dining room after breakfast and lunch.

At first he was delighted at this task, but soon enough the novelty wore off. I noticed today, however, that he's actually doing a pretty good job! My expectations haven't been very high, but I have been training him how to do it correctly. I told him that once he masters this job we can maybe find a different one for him to do, so perhaps he is motivated to perfect it so he doesn't have to do it anymore. At any rate, he did a great job today!

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