Tuesday, July 18

He Did It!

Ryan has never tried cookie dough, except for maybe the slightest little taste one day when I was trying to coerce him into trying it. Today I didn't even bring it up since his answer is always no. My sister-in-law and I were just laughing about his reluctance a couple of days ago. Neither of us can fathom someone not liking chocolate chip cookie dough!

Well, today after mixing our cookies, Ryan said he wanted to try it! Whoo-hoo! He took two pretty decent tastes, said he liked it, but then didn't want anymore. Maybe he will never like it, but I'm so glad he finally tried it. Funny little boy!


Darcy said...

Way to go Ryan!!!! Aunt Darcy is proud to hear you gave cookie dough another chance!!! :)

Unknown said...

I haven't had cookie dough in YEARS! Now I want some!