Thursday, July 13


This year Ryan is old enough to go to vacation Bible school for the first time. He goes from 9:00 to 12:00 every day this week, and it's been taking a toll on him! He has been pretty tired, but he's having a great time. I wish I could say he's been learning a lot about Jesus, but that doesn't seem to be the case. He appears to learn more in Sunday School. Yesterday when I asked him if he listened to the Bible story he said, "I listened, but it didn't come along with me."

I arrived a little early today and took some pictures of him playing tag with some of his friends. He didn't know we were watching, so it was fun to see him in action when I'm not around. I was pleased when he and Jacob (a friend he's been talking about all week) crashed into each other that he didn't make a big fuss about it but he got up by himself and then helped Jacob up. Then this afternoon he's been unusually kind and accomodating to his sister. Hmmm...maybe he's learning something afterall!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

That's so sweet!