Wednesday, October 11

Caterpillars and Mole Hills

We took a much-needed outing to our local lake and park, Trojan, weekend before last. We had been cooped up for weeks because Abigail was sick, but her fever was gone now and we needed out! We brought all our fishing gear, but the kids spent most of their time exploring the water's edge, digging in the dirt and running around playing games they created from their imagination. Among other games, they built a miniature Mt. Hood from the remains of an abandoned mole hill and then promptly demolitioned it with an imaginary bulldozer.

Ryan found this beautiful caterpillar, and we had an impromptu lesson on metamorphosis and the wonder of God's creation. Frankly, I was impressed that Ryan held it so willingly. He's usually pretty squeamish about crawly things.

Dig those dirty fingernails!

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