Wednesday, January 3

Tastes in Food

I fixed Prime Rib on New Year's Eve. Ryan LOVES it, but as I was dishing his up he said, "Mom, could you take off the pine needles for me. I don't like pine needles." LOL...I had rubbed it with rosemary.

Ryan's tastes in food continue to baffle me. He likes some things most kids wouldn't touch: Salmon, steak, green olives, shredded wheat, prime rib, clam strips, feta cheese, halibut, mustard, trout, swiss cheese.

Then he doesn't like things most kids beg for: Fruit Loops, caramel, American Cheese, Lucky Charms (actually, he doesn't like any "kid" cereal), butterscotch, ketchup, Pop Tarts, marshmallows, mashed potatoes, watermelon.


Darcy said...

He does have some very mature tastes for a kid his age. LOL. Good for him!

But ketchup!?!? And Mashed potatoes???? And Watermelon??? Weird!

Our girls really have no idea about all the "kid cereal" that's out there. The only exposure to those cereals is when Hannah's spent the night at your moms and she buys those little boxes for her. LOL. When we're at the store, going down the grocery aisle, they are more fascinated by who's on the box then the cereal in it! LOL.

Kim said...

LOL...that's how my kids first tasted "kid" cereal too, only it was when we went camping last year. I bought those small boxes, and couldn't believe it when they didn't like it! They ended up eatiing the corn flakes, if I remember right.

I'm certainly not complaining that they don't like them (I'm thrilled actually), I just find it very, very odd!