Wednesday, November 2

Sibling Love

When I picked Ryan up from his CBS class today, his teacher told me, "He really loves his sister!" She didn't elaborate, and I didn't think to ask any more about what she meant. Then when we went to pick up Abby, her teacher told me how much Ryan loves his sister. She said that when they joined the classes together for music time, Ryan was just begging to see his sister. When they finally found her in the large group, they ran to each other and gave each other a huge hug, and she said Ryan had the biggest smile on his face. Then they stood next to each other very closely during the whole music time just as happy as can be!

It was great to hear that story! Sometimes at home I wonder if they will ever be friends. Abigail adores Ryan, but he's not always very tolerant of her, especially when he's trying to play with something that she might mess up.

I cheated and took this picture this evening. I would have loved to have gotten a picture of them hugging at Bible study (obviously I didn't), but since I've been wanting to get a picture of them hugging anyway, this was a good excuse to get one and post it!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

That's so sweet!