Monday, November 21

Surgery Date

We got a date for Ryan's surgery today. It will be January 18th. We could have had it done three weeks from now, but we thought it would be better to wait another month after we've moved and so we can have a full year's use out of our insurance deductible. Now that it's scheduled, I feel a little nervous. I have been praying about how much to tell Ryan about it and when because he is so fearful of things. They have a tour of the hospital available, but I'm afraid that might make him more afraid. Hopefully he'll be brave when the time comes (hopefully Mommy will too!).

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Marking it on the calendar for January. You know I'll be praying for you, and Ryan.

I think I wouldn't tell Ryan so far out, that just gives him more time to think and dwell about it. Wait until a week or a few days prior to surgery.