Thursday, November 17

Thumb Sucking Ban

I have been talking to Ryan about stopping his thumb sucking for a couple of months now, but having the dentist talk to him this week really helped him think more about it, I believe. For the last couple years we've managed to train him so he only sucks it at naptime and bedtime, but now it's time for that to go too. I suggested that we put a Band-aid on it to help him remember, and at first he really didn't like that idea. But yesterday at naptime he asked me to put a Band-aid on, and he even fell asleep without sucking his thumb! Then last night we put it on again, and he managed to go to sleep again without it.

We're really proud of him for trying so hard, especially since this has been a comfort/security habit for him since he was two or three months old! I must confess we did bribe him too. We have been thinking about getting him a bicycle for his birthday anyway, and so we informed him that if he has kicked the habit by then that he will get a new bike! He is so excited, and he definitely wants a "green one with training wheels." (I hope we can find one in green)

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Way to go Ryan!!!!! So proud of you for making through your nap and bedtime without your thumb!!! Good Job!