Monday, December 26

Mr. Observant

It is no exaggeration to say that Ryan notices everything! From the time he was a couple weeks old, everyone would say to us, "He's so alert!" Being first-time parents, we had no idea what they were talking about. Isn't every baby just like this? After a while, we began to understand what they meant. He is just so interested in the world around him, and nothing escapes his notice.

Ever since we got our new van, Ryan would point out every Kia he saw. The funny thing is that he didn't recognize them so much their bodyshape as he did by what kind of taillights they had. He got a small toy van in his stocking for Christmas, and he said to Daddy, "This has taillights just like the Millers' van." Daddy asked me what kind of van the Millers have, and I told him it was a Dodge Caravan. Guess what kind of van his toy was? Yep, it's a replica of a Caravan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to mention he has only seen the Miller's van two or three times.