Saturday, December 10

Smarty Pants

Every once in a while when Daddy is working on a Saturday, I take the kids to a coffee shop or donut shop for a muffin or donut for breakfast. Last Saturday we went to our local donut shop called Donut Day, and of course the kids loved it. While we were eating breakfast today, Ryan said he wanted to eat donuts every day. I told him it wasn't good for us to eat donuts every day, that it's just for a treat once in a while, blah, blah, blah. After I finished my little speech Ryan looked at me and said, "But the sign at the donut store says, "Every Day is a Donut Day!'" Of course I cracked up, but aside from being amused, I was amazed that he not only had read the sign, but he remembered it and knew what it meant. I guess I need to let the owner know that his advertising is working!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

ROTFL!!!! He's one smart cookie!