Saturday, December 3

Tender Heart

In the day-to-day experience of life sometimes it's hard to see results from the training and discipline we give our children, but tonight I got a glimpse of a seed planted that is taking root in Ryan (maybe a little too much). Both Ryan and Abby spent several hours at a church event today while the parents were given a morning to do shopping or spend time together or whatever.

Apparently Ryan had been playing with some Hot Wheels during that time and had put one of them in his pocket and forgotten about it (he often puts his own cars in his pockets). Hours later after dinner Ryan got a panicked look on his face and said earnestly, "We have to go back to church NOW!" We asked him why and he produced the car saying it had been in his pocket all this time. We told him it was okay and we would take it back when we go to church tomorrow, but he insisted we had to do it NOW! We assured him it was not a big deal and we knew it was an accident. Still, he burst into tears!

Poor little guy. We did finally console him and convince him it wasn't stealing. I was a little alarmed to see how upset he was, but I was inwardly rejoicing that he immediately came to us with his problem and also glad that he knows stealing is wrong. Now if we can only teach him to relax a little in this journey called life!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Ahhh, how sweet. I remember when Hannah did something similar with a toy from church. LOL.