Saturday, April 8


I had to up the contrast so this would show up.
It's not actually fluorescent.

Ryan does not really like to color or draw, and up until just a couple weeks ago, all he would do is scribble. But seemingly out of nowhere, he just started drawing real pictures. He drew the cutest picture at a restaurant yesterday, but I could kick myself because I walked off and left it. He wanted to draw some more today, and this is what he drew. Unfortunately, he doesn't press very hard with the crayon and it didn't show up very well.

Notice a theme here? He's really into vans and trailers right now.


Darcy said...

That's a cool van!!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Well now, I just had to hop back in your archives to find an age for this young man! (I haven't read these blogs thoroughly yet). I'd say he is doing marvellously for just over four!