Sunday, April 16

Still Reviewing

During our second week, Ryan has continued to fly through his review. He is reading much more fluidly than he ever has, and it is neat to see him get so excited about his math worksheet. It's amazing how motivating a smiley face is to four-year-old!

This week also brought about our first complaint. "I don't like school," was the cry, but I think it had more to do with the fact that Daddy had a rare day off and was home with us than it did with actually disliking school.

I have been amazed at how well Ryan is doing at creative drawing! Two months ago, he wouldn't do anything but scribble, but now he loves to sit and draw cars, trucks, vans, semis, etc. He adds antennas and bumpers and roof rack cargo carriers, and they are really adorable pictures.

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