Wednesday, April 12


I established a new incentive/reward system in our home recently, and Ryan seems to be really motivated by it. The kids earn credits (poker chips) for doing their chores, having good attitudes, being kind, etc., and they can cash them in for computer time, staying up a little later, and other small treats or privileges. One of the things I allow them to "purchase" is a trip to the Dollar Tree to buy any one item they want. So when I went there to pick up some party plates and napkins this week, Ryan decided he wanted to "buy" this reward. He chose very carefully, and clever boy that he is, picked a package of five small cars instead of the package that only had one!

While we were there he said he wanted to get Abby a birthday present. I reminded him that it would cost him some of his poker chips, and he said, "That's okay. I want to get her something." I told him to pick out something that he thought she would really like, and he chose this hula hoop. Being unselfish and giving does not come easily to Ryan as it does to Abby, so my Mommy heart was so proud to see this spark of generosity!


Darcy said...

That's soooo sweet!!!

We LOVE the Dollar Tree!!

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet that Ryan wanted to do something for Abby! Praise God!