Friday, April 28

Crane Ship

Ryan has been into cranes lately, so when Daddy heard that a ship carrying a large crane would be passing by our town on "our" river, he called to let us know. I piled the kids into the bike trailer and we headed down to Pixie Park to watch the show. The Columbia River is just about four blocks from our house, and there are often large cargo ships and barges going by. However, we have never seen such a large monstrosity as this before. It's hard to tell from the picture how truly big it is, but when it passed under the Lewis and Clark Bridge miles up the river in Rainier, it only cleared it by three feet. That bridge has a clearance of 210 feet!

Ryan was thrilled to see it, though he had a hard time comprehending it's size. He said, "Mom, look it's bringing a bridge with it!" The kids ended up getting soaking wet playing in the river and a tad bit sunburned since Mommy forgot the sunscreen (we hadn't seen enough of the sun so far this year to worry about sunscreen). It was a fun break from the usual routine, and I was surprised to see about 50 people show up on our little bitty beach.

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