Wednesday, February 1

Another Case in Point

In my last post I was describing one of the ways it seems that Ryan is maturing, and I had to share one other. We have been trying to work on teaching our children to be grateful, and one of the tangible ways I try to do that is when we are leaving a fun place. It took quite some time, but for the last year or so neither Ryan nor Abby has thrown a fit or gotten upset when we have to leave some place where they have been having fun (actually Abby never has). However, I have been trying to teach them to thank me for taking them to the park or playground or wherever when we are leaving in addition to leaving with a good attitude.

Yesterday it was raining (still), and I needed to get out of the house as much as the kids did. So we ran a couple of errands and then we went to McDonald's for lunch. Neither of my kids like the food there, but they LOVE to play on the play structure! They choked down their McNuggets (Abby had a salad...gotta love that girl!), and ran off to play. They were having a great time, but some rowdy older boys came in and we had to leave sooner than I was planning. As we were getting shoes on, Ryan looked at me and sweetly said, "Thanks for taking us here, Mommy. We had lots of fun!" I wanted to cry! How sweet those victorious moments are when something you've been teaching actually sticks!

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