Friday, February 24

Doctor Appointments

Ryan had two doctor appointments today. The first was his four-year checkup. He fought and fussed even though we kept reassuring him that he wasn't even going to get a shot. I think the reason he was so uptight was that the last time he had his weight and blood pressure checked he had eye surgery and woke up in pain! Anyway, he's in the 15 percentile in height and 50 percentile in weight. It's no wonder everyone keeps asking if he and Abby are twins...he's not growing very tall very fast and she's almost caught up with him!

His second appointment was the one-month follow-up with his eye surgeon. He has healed great and his vision is really good. He most likely won't need to have another surgery, but as expected, we didn't get a full correction of his strabismus. He still crosses a fair amount up close, but at distance there is much improvement. The surgeon said that may be the best we can do for him. He crosses much more with his glasses off than with them on, so he will be wearing those for quite some time, if not forever. Time will tell. Overall though, I am pleased with the results and now that it's over, I'm glad we did it for him.


Darcy said...

Good news from both appointments.

Are Ryans birthparents short???

Kim said...

Hmmm...I think Becky is a little shorter than I am, so I'm guessing Dorian might be about the same as Ed. 5'10" or so? I'll try to remember to ask Becky.