Tuesday, February 21

Quiet Time

Well, I've finally given up trying to get Ryan to take an actual nap. Ever since he's stopped sucking his thumb, he's not been sleeping at naptime. I guess he doesn't need as much sleep as previously and without his thumb lulling him to sleep he just can't. However, I'm not ready to give up my one hour of quiet time each day, so I've struck a compromise with him. He doesn't have to lay on his bed for an hour trying to get to sleep anymore...IF he will play quietly or read books for an hour so I can have my quiet hour and maybe even take the occasional nap. (He may not need them, but I swear I still do!) He's been doing this for about a week now, and he's been doing great. He takes a few cars and books on his bed and sits there reading or playing quietly until I tell him the hour is up. He's much happier at naptime now and so am I since I don't have to answer the "Can I get up now?" question a million times!


Darcy said...

Oh how I remember the dreaded days of those naptime struggles with Hannah. It was such a bummer when she gave her nap up.

We did the sitting in her room quietly, etc. That didn't stop the "when can I get out" whinning from her bedroom. So we put a timer in her room, setting it to an hour, and when it went off, she knew she could get up.

Kim said...

Yeah, I set the timer on the stove too so he knows he can't get up till it goes off.