Wednesday, February 8

Cookie Maker

For some reason I cannot convince Ryan to taste cookie dough. I keep telling him he will love it, but he's not buying it. So while Abby enjoyed licking the beater, Ryan helped me scoop cookies onto the cookie sheet. He's a good helper...he even helped eat them after they were baked.


Darcy said...

I can't imagine not liking cookie dough! LOL. Especially chocolate chip (which is what it looks like you made?).

Kim said...

Yep, chocolate chip. He doesn't know what he's missing!

Beth said...

I can eat a whole batch of CC cookie myself!!! YUM!!! And I remember the days when we weren't freaked out about...aauugghh...RAW EGGS!!!

I know it's a valid concern...but oh, the joy that goes out of life when you have to worry about EVERYTHING!!!

What a great mom...homemade cookies!