Thursday, February 2

Helping Abby

Now that the kids have their own rooms, I am having them learn how to make their own beds. Ryan's is still difficult since he's still in the bunk beds (though now on the bottom), but Abby's is now wonderfully easy to make with access on both sides. I sent Ryan and Abby in to start making their beds while I was finishing up breakfast dishes. I heard Ryan saying, "I'll help you, Abby," so I went to see what was going on. I walked in and saw him showing her how to make her bed, and they were doing a great job! It was neat to see them working together on it. Much to my surprise, Ryan had already finished making his bed, and he did a fair job of it too. It's so bittersweet to see them growing up.


Darcy said...

Good Job Ryan and Abby!

Since moving Hannah's bed to the middle of the room, I've been giving her what she calls her "bed lessons"...LOL. Teaching how to make her bed and pull everything up nice and neat.

Kim said...

It's so hard to make a bed up against the wall! The top bunk is nearly impossible to get looking nice since you have to crawl on it to get things tucked in. Isn't it nice to have access to both sides!?!