Saturday, February 11

Follow the Leader

Ryan is quite the leader. Wherever we go it seems like he just naturally takes charge. When we go to the park, even kids much older than him will follow whatever game he's playing. Unfortunately, he is often bossy too. I usually try to moderate what he's telling Abby to do, but today Abby seemed to be so enjoying following him around I just left well enough alone. They got to actually play in our backyard for the first time today. I hasn't rained for several days in a row, and the yard was dry enough to let them go out and enjoy the sunshine. They played for four hours! Ryan was busy making up games to play, and Abby was just joyfully doing whatever he wanted. It was wonderful to see them playing so well together. I'm trying to teach Ryan to let Abby choose the game sometimes too, and hopefully it's sinking in. But for today, I was happy to just let them enjoy their "roles."

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